التمكين الإدارى بمؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعى لتحقيق التميز التنظيمى-دراسة مستقبلية

د.هالة أمين مغاورى;


The study aimed to the following:
1. Identify the conceptual framework of the administrative
empowerment and specifying its levels.
2. Study the directions and the foundations of the administrative
empowerment in the pre-university education institutions.
3. Recognize the concept of organizational excellence, and identify the most local and global excellence models.
4. Study the elements of organizational excellence in the pre-
university education institutions.
5. Determine the procedural proposals to implement the administrative empowerment in of pre-university education institutions to achieve organizational excellence from the view of education experts.
The descriptive method was used in the study, the Delphi technique was used as one of prospective studies methods .
The important results of the prospective study, which describes how to implement administrative empowerment in pre-university education institutions to achieve organizational excellence, the following:
1- The proposed practices that may contribute to implement the administrative empowerment in pre-university education institutions to achieve organizational excellence:
- support teamwork excellence in educational institutions.

2- The requirements that may contribute to implement the administrative empowerment in pre-university education institutions to achieve organizational excellence:
- Introduce Educational Excellence Award at the Egyptian educational institutions, to raise the spirit of competition among them, in order to encourage competition towards achieving organizational excellence.
3- The barriers of implement the administrative empowerment in pre-university education institutions to achieve organizational excellence:
- The Existence of bureaucratic climate that support for routine and fettered creativity and innovation rule.

4- The most important proposals to overcome the barriers of implement the administrative empowerment in pre-university education institutions to achieve organizational excellence:
- Open channels of discussions between the administration and individuals, to know about their fears in using the modern management techniques, like administrative empowerment, and replace it with climate providing encouraging and supportive to do them.

Other data

Title التمكين الإدارى بمؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعى لتحقيق التميز التنظيمى-دراسة مستقبلية
Other Titles Administrative Empowerment in Pre-University Education Institutions to Achieve Organizational Excellence (A prospective study)
Authors د.هالة أمين مغاورى 
Keywords Administrative Empowerment ,Pre-University Education, Organizational Excellence
Issue Date Dec-2016
Publisher كلية التربية جامعة الأزهر
Journal التربية 
وقد هدفت الدراسة إلى ما يلى:
1- التعرف على الإطار المفاهيمى للتمكين الإدارى، مع تحديد مستوياته.
2- دراسة اتجاهات ومقومات التمكين الإدارى فى مؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعى.
3- التعرف على مفهوم التميز التنظيمى، وتحديد أبرز نماذج التميز المحلية والعالمية.
4- دراسة عناصر تحقيق التميز التنظيمى فى مؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعى.
5- تحديد المقترحات الإجرائية لتطبيق التمكين الإدارى بمؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعى لتحقيق التميز التنظيمى من وجهة نظر خبراء التربية.

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