(آليات تحقيق الشفافية فى إدارة مؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعى بمصر (دراسة تحليلية

د.هالة أمين مغاورى;


The study aimed to the following:
1- Identify the nature of the management of pre-university education institutions in Egypt.
2- Study the concept of transparency and its importance in the management of pre-university education institutions in Egypt.
3- Identify the elements of transparency in the management of pre-university education institutions in Egypt.
4- Identify the features of the administrative practice of transparency in the institutions of pre-university education in Egypt.
5- Present mechanisms to achieve transparency in the management of pre-university education institutions in Egypt.
The descriptive method was used in the study.
The important results of the study, present the mechanisms that contribute to achieve transparency in the management of pre-university education institutions in Egypt, and determine implementation requirements, these mechanisms such as the following:
- Easy access to laws , regulations and documents that organize work in the pre-university education institutions, either by placing them into periodic bulletins are available to all, whether in schools or deposited in public libraries.
- Investment of technological development and use it to organize work between the different administrative levels in pre-university education institutions, and to achieve an effective communication between them.
- Define the responsibilities and duties of each individual in various educational institutions clearly and accurately, in order to prevent duplication and waste of time and effort to do the same roles and functions.

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Title (آليات تحقيق الشفافية فى إدارة مؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعى بمصر (دراسة تحليلية
Other Titles Mechanisms to Achieve Transparency in The Management of Pre-University Education Institutions in Egypt (Analytical Study)
Authors د.هالة أمين مغاورى 
Keywords Transparency, Management ,Pre-University Education
Issue Date Feb-2011
Publisher الجمعية المصرية للتربية المقارنة والإدارة التعليمية
Journal التربية 
وقد هدفت الدراسة إلى ما يلى:
1 – التعرف على طبيعة إدارة مؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعى بمصر.
2- دراسة مفهوم الشفافية وأهميتها فى إدارة مؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعى بمصر.
3 – تحديد عناصر تحقيق الشفافية فى إدارة مؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعى بمصر.
4 – التعرف على سمات الإدارى الممارس للشفافية فى مؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعى بمصر.
5 – وضع آليات لتحقيق الشفافية فى إدارة مؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعى بمصر.

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